Crustless Brown Bread

Crustless Brown Bread

Crustless brown bread offers a nutritious twist on traditional bread, made with whole grain flour, water, yeast, salt, and occasionally a hint of sweetener like honey or molasses. By eliminating the crust, this bread maintains a soft and uniform texture throughout, ideal for sandwiches without the hassle of crust removal. Rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, thanks to the inclusion of whole grains, crustless brown bread provides a hearty and wholesome option for health-conscious individuals. Whether used for classic sandwich combinations or toasted for a crunchy snack, crustless brown bread delivers on taste and nutrition, making it a versatile choice for any meal.

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Crustless- great source of vitamin a, d, and e, also an excellent source of calcium. No high fructose corn syrup and no artificial colours or flavours. Great long-lasting flavour that everyone will love. Always fresh and quality guaranteed

  1. image-not-found

    Crustless Cucumber Sandwich With the use of Super Bread

    The traditional cucumber sandwich is composed of thin slices of cucumber situated between two (relatively thin) slices of fresh crustless, lightly buttered white bread. The sandwich originated in the United Kingdom, and modern variants, largely of United States origin, introduce cream cheese, mayonnaise, chopped dill or spices, and salmon, and may be served on brown bread, or common crusted white bread. One specific US variant includes Benedictine, a green soft spread made from cucumbers and cream cheese.

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    Club Cheese Sandwich With the use of Super Bread

    An old room-service sandwich recipe that is filling and yummy too. Here is a slightly modified version of the club sandwich recipe for kids.

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